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๐Ÿค” Principles of project planning

There are seven principles of project planning.

1. Identify project aims and objectives
2. Resource requirements
3. Budgeting
4. Cost benefit analysis
5. Project lifecycle
6. Risks and issue management
7. Quality management

Identify project aims and objectivesโ€‹

This includes the requirments of the project from a user perspective and why it is needed (business case)

It also identifies:
- Expected outcomes
- Stakeholder maps
- Timelines and deadlines
- Links to organisationsl strategic objectives

Resource requirmentsโ€‹

This includes the following to ensure the projects viability and success:

- People and skills
- Estimates and costings
- Venue/premises
- Equipment
- Hardware and software
- Stakeholder engagement


Estimating and forecasting the finances of a project, whilst allowing for potential issues arising and documenting any reasonable assumptions.
At this stage, it is also important to factor in financial contingency planning into a project budget.

Cost benefit analysisโ€‹

The process of quantifying what is to be achieved from a project and measuring the viability of the project.

Viability - the ability to work successfully.

Project lifecycleโ€‹

The project lifecycle looks at:

- Timings and scheduling
- Work packages to brakdown deliverables
- Milestones
- Prioritisation identification
- Dependencies identification

Risks and issue managementโ€‹

Risks and issues management is about to mitigate against potential hazards or issues, and having contingencies in place should those hazards come to friction

Quality managementโ€‹

Reviewing and updating the project plan and the monitoring of goals and task control

This includes:
- Monitorig deliverables
- Quality assurance
- Quality control
- Review and audit